We had fun at Lego Land, but we were a bit disappointed with it as well. It seemed kind of run down. Many attractions were closed and it just seemed that they weren't keeping it up. For the cost of the tickets, we expected much more. It also turned out that Brayden was about 2 inches too short for almost all of the rides. He was able to go on a few and enjoyed those! He really liked playing at the waterpark area and he got soaking wet....lots of laughs! He also enjoyed all the cars made out of legos that raced. It was hard to get him to leave the mini land because he was enthralled with the cars!! We had a good day, but wouldn't go back until Brayden was quite a bit older if at all! It is amazing to see all of the things built out of lego, millions of legos...literally!
Isn't that a cool giraffe??

These are the cars where Brayden loved pushing the button to make them race

Brayden and Mom in front of mini land San Francisco...it's all made out of Legos

Trying to stay dry...

It's more fun to get wet!

That one is going to POP up next, dad!

Good thing Mom brought me extra clothes!

Can we stay here longer??
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