We thoroughly enjoyed our day at Sea World. Brayden called everything "fishes", the dolphins, whales, rays, sharks, fish, everything. We went to the Shamu show, fed rays, almost touched a dolphin, saw lots of animals, rode a few rides, and had a lot of fun! One of the fun parts of our day was seeing our friend, Lisa (Peek) Yates, who works at Sea World. She was working with the bat rays the day we were there, so she let us help feed the rays. Brayden was afraid of the food(fish) at first, but he was brave and took them and threw them in the pool. He ended up really enjoying it. It was a beautiful day, a little too hot at the killer whale show!! Enjoy the pictures!

Are we there yet??

Dad feeding the bat rays

Our friend Lisa (Peek) Yates works at Sea World and let Brayden help feed the rays.

Throwing the food in the pool.

Waiting for the Shamu show to start...

Taking a nap at Seaworld in my wagon!

Riding the "Elmo's Flying Fish" ride with Daddy. Maybe you can see me.

Taking a break and having a drink with Dad on a warm day at Sea World.