Uncle Adam, Aunt Katie, Judah, and Levi were flying to Colorado from Michigan for a visit and we didn't want to miss out on Brayden and McKenna having the chance to see all their cousins at once...so, Cindy, Brayden, & McKenna flew out too! It was so much fun to see all 6 kids together playing. It was chaos, but so much JOY! The only thing missing was Brian.
Six cousins, all 2 and under.....

Waiting for our Michigan cousins to arrive!

Eating Breakfast with YaYa

Sure 4 boys can fit in 1 bathtub

Aunt Katie and McKenna

The babies of the family

Trying to take a photo with 4 two year olds and 2 infants!!

Family photo (minus Brian) :(

Levi and Judah Dorband

Brayden and McKenna Rasmussen

Xander and Axl Dorband

The Big Boys

Xander, Brayden, Levi, Judah, McKenna, & Axl

YaYa and ALL her grandkids!

A Balloon war with Xander, Brayden, and YaYa

This snow is neat...we don't have any of this in California!