We had a very enjoyable Memorial Day weekend here in California! Brian had Friday and Monday off work, so we took full advantage of it since Brian will be leaving on June 8th to go to Fort Lewis, Washington for his summer ROTC leadership camp. He will be there until the end of July. We spent most of Friday doing chores and projects around the house.
On Saturday, we decided to do something fun instead of working around the house. Our neighbors had told us about a regional wilderness area (yes, they have to designate those in California) where you can hike and play in the river and many more things. We took the dog and headed out. Blizzard was thrilled to be able to run off leash and even more to swim in the river. As soon as she saw the water, she was in it! And Brayden then named the river the "Blizzard pool". Brayden was a trooper and hiked about a mile up and down hills without being carried! At the end he even waded across the river, he ended up falling down and getting all wet, but was all better once he got out and got a snack!
On Sunday, we stuck around home. After Brayden got up from his nap, we went to the pool and then we came home and BBq'd in the backyard.
Monday Brian talked us into letting him go to REI, so after haircuts for the boys, we went to REI. When we got home, Brayden napped for 2 hours, while Brian and I worked on cleaning out our garage. We got about half of it done and got rid of a lot of stuff, which is good since we are moving next spring. Now to finish going through cabinets and closets in the house...maybe I will get that done this summer!!!
Enjoy the pictures from our hike!

Brayden likes to hike....by himself! He did let us hold his hand on the steep parts!

For those of you who know Blizzard well, you may be thinking she forgot to bring her ball...no, she brought it, she just lost it. However, she found it on the way back!

Brayden named the river the Blizzard pool!

When Brayden got in the water, he said it was BRRR bubbles.

Help, mom, I fell in!

It's hard to walk when you are all wet!