Brian had a week off in March during the University's Spring Break. We had been talking about going to San Diego to go to Sea World because they have the "Here's to the Hero's" program, where they offer free admission to any Sea World or Busch Gardens park to military members and their families. Since we are so close now and don't know where we will be heading next year, we decided to take Spring Break and have a family vacation to San Diego.
We got to see Sea World, the San Diego Zoo, Legoland, the San Diego Wild Animal Park, and the beach. I think our favorite of all the places was the Wild Animal Park. Sea World was very neat also! We were disappointed with Legoland and probably wouldn't go back, at least until Brayden was much older! He was too little to go on most things, but he seemed to enjoy playing at the water park there and seeing all the cars built out of legos! He did love the boat ride he got to go on there.
It was a very fun trip and we had a great time! I will add pictures and posts from each place, so you can enjoy our fun as well! I have some videos, but look for those later in the week, as I need to find the cord to connect the video camera to the computer!
5 days ago